martedì 13 gennaio 2009

- 19, it's getting closer and closer!

just 19 days left to my departure. The list of things to do before going is getting longer and longer, but also somehow shorter, as I am doing lots of things! saturday I bought sunblock for Antarctica, today i'm updating my address book, and I bought clothes, hat, SD cards and things like that. I still have to clean up the flat, buy dozen on things, cut down on the things I will take with me, book my first night in Buenos Aires, finding someone to rent my flat and so on...ARGH, I won't make it ;-))
Anyway, my moral is pretty high, i'm excited, and it's so nice all these people asking questions about my trip!!
Time to go on with the list now ;-)

2 commenti:

Unknown ha detto...

Among all the things in your to do list... you needn't clean the flat!!!!!! Let it do it to whoever will rent it in these 3 months!!! :-D

Anonimo ha detto...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!